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Command Line Interface

Rolldown supports Command Line Interface (CLI) to rapidly package the application. You can either specify the configuration or directly use the options from the CLI.

Configuration File

The configuration file can be specified using the -c or --config option. The configuration file must be a JavaScript file that exports the configuration object.

Due to the API limitations, it is advisable to pass the option at the last if you intend to disregard the configuration file name.

rolldown -c
# OR
rolldown -c rolldown.config.mjs

For the time being, the rolldown.config.js file can be disregarded.

Common CLI Options

For the sake of simplicity, we have manually presented the most popular options here. Future enhancements will automatically generate additional options.

--dir / -d

Specify the output directory.

rolldown main.ts -d dist

Rolldown will automatically create the directory if it does not already exist.

--external / -e

Excluded Module IDs.

For instance, if you wish to exclude the electron module from main.ts, you can utilize the following command:

rolldown main.ts -e electron

This command will exclude the electron module from the bundled output. Please note that we currently only support string values for module IDs in the CLI.

—format / -f

The output format of the bundled file accepts the following:

  • esm: ECMAScript Module, including import, export, and other keywords.
  • cjs: CommonJS Module, including require, module.exports, and other keywords.
  • iife: Immediately Invoked Function Expression, including window, global, and other keywords.

Future formats will be supported.

—minify or -m

Minify the output file.

rolldown main.ts -m

Rolldown will utilize the oxc_minify tool from the oxc to minify the output file. This process is highly efficient.

—sourcemap / -s

Generate the source map file.

  • If you intend to inline the sourcemap, please use:
    rolldown main.ts -s inline
  • If you wish to emit the sourcemap file, please use:
    rolldown main.ts -s
    Remember to pass the argument at the end of the command, as per the API limit. We'll try to fix this in the future.

Released under the MIT License.